i almost got mugged at gunpoint tonight.
what's worse?
actually, when the party goers started going (home) after the fireworks, anne's parents were part of the first flight. bam. robbed. i was probably climbing down from the roof at that point. totally oblivious to the detroit that keeps all the rumors alive. detroit where the ... how does the t-shirt read? ... where the weak are killed and eaten.
it's like the trash can through the window in DO THE RIGHT THING. what the fricken frack IS the right thing? it's almost too hard for people to think straight enough to do the right thing.
why is that?
why are punkass teenagers snagging guns and holding sway over hardworking people? people's whose daughters moved into a still grungy but hanging on neighborhood three weeks ago? people whose daughters are really happy to be living in the city and giving back to the people and training community members in AIDS and HIV awareness?
what is this shit.
a friend tonight was telling me about his plight in another nearby neighborhood. a neighborhood choked by an incinerator (sp?) that spews the burned wreckage of any kind of trash it gets (human waste included)and whose teenagers taunt stranger cars as they roll slowly by...
y o u're in the h o o d now, whatcha g o n n a do?
wearing race like armor. class warfare in sneakers and six-pack abs. there is no battleline. it's the community members versus ... other community members.
and the friend says, 'so when i was gone the neighborhood kids took my trashcan - the one my ex-wife painted a big green peace sign on - and stuck it in the middle of the street with a half stick of dynamite and blew it to smithereens.'
how do you/they/we DO THE RIGHT THING - ain't no leaders - kids, elders, indian chiefs - showin us how. WILL THE REAL LEADERS PLEASE STAND UP?!
it's too damn hot in detroit.
it's too damn hot everywhere.