Wednesday, January 19, 2005

snowplow madness

okay i gotta make this fast i have no idea how single moms must do it without any time for any of it and stretching the muscle on the bone and no time even to remove the whatchamacallit that grows in the cracks between the tile or in the follicles of skin. soap scum. hair. eesh. how does the old guy do it that i read about today in my podunk newspaper he had an argument with the snowplow guy who was trying to snowplow the middle school across from the old man's house but the old man had parked his car across his own driveway b/c the snowplow man i guess usually dumped extra snow across the old man's property and so they argued and the old man turned around to walk back to his property and the snowplow dude got into his snowplow truck and sped up and nearly ramrodded the old dude into next week or the next life but the old dude kept his wits i guess, called the cops. phone's ringing. i'm back. said "that snowplow guy stopped eight inches from my legs--EIGHT INCHES!" now i ask you: is it necessary? is it really really necessary? do we have to take road rage off road, into the parking lots of middle schools? do we really? i gotta go read. tomorrow comes quick. if we're lucky and we're not grumpy old men or gunning snowplow dudes. careful out there. careful.


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