Wednesday, January 12, 2005

bring back the vomitorium

wasn't it jane's addiction who belted out "idiots rule"? mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmyes.

now then. they said it like this:

i got a lie
a fat fuckin' lie
about a law
idiots obey
they made it easy
now cheaters have their way
you hi-di-ho's
you're living on your knees

forget the rule!
oh - idiots rule!
forget the rule!
oh - idiots rule!

now there's a time...
but i say non like now
there's a time
where idiots are bound
if there's a pole
planted in your back
then you're a fixture
not a man

forget the rule!
oh - idiots rule!
forget the rule!
oh - idiots rule!
idiots rule!
idiots rule!
idiots rule!

you know that man
you hate?
you look more like him
every day everyday
2 good shoes
won't save your soul
idiots rule!
idiots rule!
("hi-di-hos!" sounds good but looks silly in print, don't you think?)

anyway, i think i heard that plato said it first, someting like this:

wise men do not need the rule, while the foolish find a way around it.

you think the ethically disgusted used the vomitoriums, too?


Blogger stacy muszynski said...

amen, sister.

10:56 PM  

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