Sunday, January 23, 2005

do over

if i had to write yestserday's post today, it would go something like this:

i can hear vince's exhales from the romper room, his stretching regimen on the fuzzy lake of wool rug. someone's taking his snow blower for a slow walk. garbage truck backing up. again. forward. backup. forward. gone. furnace rumbling in decision. the always there buzz of this laptop, hp.

a gray-green wool sock plays dead on the desk next to me. vince just toss/layed it there. it got mixed up with his laundry a few weeks ago. its mate is in my sock drawer. vin will put my clothes in the closet where they belong but he prefers not to go in my drawers--doesn't understand my organization. so the sock will wait here until i pull open the bottom drawer of the dresser i refinished myself.

the same dresser sat in my childhood home's basement, wrapped inside thick brown paint. the one that held darts, books, silverware for parties. the dresser that got moved to the garage when paula moved her bedroom into the basement, privacy for everybody. the dresser that held greasy car parts, heavy metal instruments for lawn and garden torture. the dresser that fell under the ministrations of handsander and chisel for two weeks that hot summer in 1994 or '95 when i discovered without knowing that to change the world i must change my perspective. uncover things. follow through. it's a hard lesson. i usually fall on my face trying to remember it.

and the knob doesn't quite fit...a memory of an oversized mismatched screw, the seed of its previous life. westerly light though my bedroom window barely covered in rice paper, dust unhurriedly building a life on dresser top. vin's heavy watch there wasting time next to scattered change, all of it winking in the light.


Blogger stacy muszynski said...

oh, i could just fawn over you and hear you tell me, like the dj told you, "go back to bed, kid."

oh yeah, i heard joan jett is a hermaphrodite. roady friend told me so. if you believe roady friends...

5:52 PM  
Blogger {illyria} said...

i love the descriptive quality of your posts, oh yes. and the line, "and the knob doesn't quite fit...a memory of an oversized mismatched screw, the seed of its previous life" makes me want to weep if i still knew how. great, picturesque writing. thanks for dropping by my site and letting me discover you.

10:31 PM  
Blogger stacy muszynski said...

don't you think one day we'll actually be able to consider hermaphrodites real people and stop making them into freaks? i hope one day that happens. it means we don't lynch people anymore for no good fucking reasons. it means we disvored some humanity in our humanity. crazy. i mean, really. if we're born a certain way why do we find ways to punish it. i think we are just as superstitious as we have ever been. only we work our science magic quickquick to cover it up.

man, i'm ranty tonight. ;S

11:06 PM  

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