Wednesday, December 29, 2004


"Most things are done with no reference to the human/ even if they happen inside us, in our/ body that is far beyond our powers, that we could never invent" (from "A Woman in Heat Wiping Herself," The Gold Cell).

sharon olds wrote this. she has written a lot, apparently, that i need to read. thanks to charkey for turning me on to her. she is EXACLTY what i was refering to without knowing it in my real ladies don't squat like that post. i didn't quite know how to say it. but she does. she did.

and one reader to my post reacted as some readers to olds do: defensiveness. hatred. embarrassment. disgust.
you have to expect that when you push buttons.

seems to me olds does the heavy investigative work on the body to make it easy for us to forgive ourselves for being curious. for being sexual. for being human.

thank god. i'm tired of hiding. but shiiiiit it's hard work breaking out of the shell.


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