Monday, December 27, 2004

now and now and now

if i had a christmas tree, i'd want to sleep under it. even tonight. maybe it's the nostalgia. maybe it's how everybody is walking around with their guard down. holy day dis/re/guard. the putting down the guard in preparation for putting it back up have the strength to regain, redouble, renovate in the new year.

it's a bit like charkey says in her recent post: "becoming flesh." putting the holy, the humanity, on the everyday. every minute. every interaction.

recently a friend was talking about her boyfriend's slowness in getting a job done. "it could be a sign of things to come," she says, groan-grimace-laugh.

what?!" clangs ellen. "this is your future."

"things to come done already come," says i. "and are coming and coming and coming."

then it hit me. all those people waaaaaaaiting for the second coming of christ. they are totally missing it. he/salvation comes every second. now. and now. and now.

"like the buddhists believe," says karen.

and now. bed. merry christmas and goodnight.


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